
The Northbridge Cricket Club has an active social calendar, with post-match functions taking place at the Northbridge Hotel.

In the past we have also had days at the cricket, where a large contingent of us will go to a day of the Sydney Test match, or we have also had great days out running the Bunnings BBQ at Artarmon.

To finish off each season our presentation nights are not to be missed! Northbridge pulls out all the stops for a great night for both members and their partners/wives/girlfriends. Over the past few years our guest speakers have been some of crickets elite sportsmen like Brett Lee, Shane Watson, Shane Lee, Simon Katich, Stuart Clark, Phil Hughes and Nathan Bracken. And in 2012/13, we even managed to have a performance by our very own musical legend, Jeff Duff!


Last Event: 2017-18 Presentation Night.

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