Play Of The Day Award

At the end of each day’s play, the Captain of each Grade shall award a team player with the Play Of The Day Award – Silver Mug

This Silver Mug will entitle the Player, after the game, to his first drink of choice compliments of Northbridge Hotel

All subsequent drinks will be compliments of his team mates in recognition of, and to celebrate the Play of the Day


  1. The Play of the Day – Silver Mug is a week by week award.
  2. This is not a game by game award, it is awarded at the completion of each days play.
  3. It is not meant to replace the traditional 3 – 2 – 1 Players-Player award which are given at the end of each game – this is a separate award
  4. This can be used in conjunction with, or separate to, the 3 – 2 – 1 Players-Player award.
  5. It is to be given out after each weekends play, regardless if the game is finished or not.
  6. It is handed out directly after each games completion at the playing field or even on the pitch.
  7. The team gathers around in a circle and the captain delivers his speech and awards the player. The Play of the Day Award, while the rest of the team applaud.
  8. The captain then urges all players to go back to the Hotel to fill the award winners cup and celebrate the Play of the Day – whereby all other NCC players can enquire of what the Play of the Day was for each grade.
  9. The Northbridge Hotel will fill the Mug or first drink for free. – Spirits, Beer, Wine, Soft Drink, Juice, Milk etc – all subsequent drinks are filled by the Award winners team mates or ANY other NCC Player present.
  10. At the end of each days play, the Captain of each grade will give the mug to a player in recognition of the Play of the Day. This could be awarded for:
    • Runs scored
    • Wickets taken
    • Catches taken
    • A spectacular play
    • A turning point of the game
    • Something funny
    • Something stupid
    • or other of the Captains Choice
  11. A Player cannot receive the award two consecutive weekends in a row – no matter what – even if he is the automatic choice, it goes to the next best player or other.
  12. It is encouraged that at some stage every player will receive the Award at least once during the season.
  13. It is up to the Captains of each Grade to keep the mug secure and make sure The Silver Mug is returned for the next weeks play and to keep the Award going, week by week.
  14. The Award winner can either take the Silver Mug home and return it at training or at the next match, clean and washed or return it to the captain upon leaving the Hotel on that day.
  15. Remembering, that this is a program to get more players to the Northbridge Hotel, each week, after each game, as future, ongoing, sponsorship depends upon it.
  16. It is to be used by the Captains to increase player camaraderie within each team and within players from other grades/teams. And to also increase Club Spirit in the Northbridge Cricket Club.

Northbridge Cricket Club’s
Play of the Day

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